Rooftop rainwater harvesting

The rooftop rainwater harvesting system consists of a catchment roof, conveyance pipes, and a storage jar. The storage tank can be made out of cement for it to be well isolated. To avoid losses through evaporation from the storage tank, it must be placed in the shadow of the house and covered by a (tin) lid. The lid should be large enough to fit a person for occasional maintenance and cleaning. Tanks can have a storage capacity up to 2000 litres. To lead rainwater from the roof gutter (made from longitudinally split pipes) to the tank, conveyance pipes should be installed. These can  be made from polythene, plant material or plastic bottles (image).

A tap should be installed around 20 cm above the ground. This height allows for water to be collected in the typical 15 litre water vessels and could avoids collection of too much water in bigger vessels as well as minimising the dead storage of water. Trained masons can easily install the entire system.